$499.00 USD

1. I understand course videos are proprietary and copyright protected.

2. Refunds are available within two (2) days of course purchase and are available for those that decide they are unable to proceed with the course materials. Certificate of completion is unavailable for those that request a refund. 

3.  Success in activities is contingent on meeting indicated computer specs; Ocean Science Analytics is unable to provide support if those requirements are not met by the participant. 

4. This course is online paced and includes asynchronous support while progressing through materials. I understand that there is no synchronous (real-time) portion to this course and there may be response delays of 8-24 hours by instructors. 

PAM: Large Dataset Analysis (Full Course, June 2025)

Join our asynchronous, remotely supported, fully online training processing large acoustic datasets!

The following registration provides you full access to the six module course provides hands-on software training in PAMGuard, acoustic R packages & jamovi. We look forward to guiding your through one approach to processing marine or terrestrial acoustic datasets.

Please note that videos are copyright and not available for download. Course access is purchased on a per-participant basis.